6 High-Paying Side Hustles in 2024 for Young Adults

In the hustle and bustle of 2024, young adults in the UK are on a quest to boost their incomes and secure financial independence. Side hustles have emerged as a beacon of opportunity, offering flexibility and extra cash for those eager to explore. This blog will explore six of the highest paying side hustles for 2024, providing a detailed overview of each, along with specific platforms to kickstart your journey to financial freedom and empowerment.

1. Freelance Writing

If your way with words could fill a novel, freelance writing is your gateway to earning extra cash. Platforms like Upwork and Freelancer connect writers with businesses seeking content, and offer writers the chance to make significant levels of cash flow. Craft a standout profile, showcase your writing samples, and start pitching to potential clients based on your experience and expertise. Whether it’s blog posts, articles, or social media content, these platforms are the launchpad for your freelance writing career.

How To Get Started:

   – Create an appealing profile on Upwork and Freelancer, highlighting your expertise.

   – Showcase your writing samples and create a portfolio that reflects your style.

   – Pitch to potential clients by addressing their specific needs and demonstrating your skills.

2. Virtual Assistant

With remote work becoming the norm, businesses are in need of virtual assistants to handle various tasks. Irrespective of where you are in the world, you may have the skills that a business owner from across the pond is eager to pay for. Platforms like Time Etc. and Belay connect skilled virtual assistants with businesses seeking remote support. Whether it’s managing emails, scheduling appointments, or providing customer service, these platforms are your ticket to earning from the comfort of your home.

How To Get Started:

   – Register on Time Etc. and Belay, creating a comprehensive profile that showcases your skills.

   – Highlight your experience and detail the tasks you can proficiently handle.

   – Apply to relevant virtual assistant opportunities and tailor your pitches to match the needs of businesses.

3. Online Tutoring

Share your academic expertise by becoming an online tutor. Platforms like Tutor.com and Chegg Tutors connect students with knowledgeable tutors across various subjects, so you can choose what to teach and when to teach it. Set your schedule, help others understand complex topics, and earn a steady income. These platforms make it easy to reach a wide audience and turn your expertise into extra cash.

How To Get Started:

  – Sign up on Tutor.com and Chegg Tutors, completing a detailed profile that emphasizes your expertise.

   – Set your availability for tutoring sessions and establish a competitive hourly rate.

   – Regularly update your profile to reflect any additional qualifications or positive feedback from students.

4. Social Media Management

If you’re a social media user and enthusiast, consider turning your skills into a side hustle. Platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter are perfect for showcasing your creativity and attracting potential clients. Offer social media management services, including content creation, scheduling posts, and audience engagement. These platforms are your playground for monetising your digital presence.

How To Get Started:

   – Optimize your profiles on LinkedIn and Twitter to highlight your social media skills.

   – Create a portfolio showcasing your previous social media management projects.

   – Reach out to businesses or individuals looking for social media management services on these platforms.

Read: Safeguarding Success: A Comprehensive Guide for New Entrepreneurs to Protect Finances

5. Stock Photography

Photography enthusiasts can turn their passion into profit by selling their work on stock photography platforms such as Shutterstock and Adobe Stock which are popular choices, and there are free platforms such as pexels which also offer a pretty penny for photographers. Build a diverse portfolio capturing various themes and concepts. As your images get downloaded, you’ll earn a passive income. These platforms are the canvas for showcasing your creativity to a global audience.

How To Get Started:

   – Join Shutterstock and Adobe Stock, completing the required registration and submission process.

   – Upload a diverse range of high-quality images with appropriate keywords and descriptions.

   – Regularly review the performance of your images and adjust your portfolio accordingly.

6. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing allows you to earn commissions by promoting products through unique affiliate links. Join affiliate programs on platforms like Amazon, ClickBank, and ShareASale. Choose products relevant to your audience, share your affiliate links on your blog, social media, or other online platforms, and earn a commission for each sale. These platforms are your gateways to building passive income through strategic recommendations.

How To Get Started:

   – Join affiliate programs on Amazon, ClickBank, and ShareASale, ensuring alignment with your niche.

   – Create engaging content on your blog or social media, incorporating your affiliate links naturally.

   – Monitor the performance of your affiliate links and optimize your strategy based on what resonates with your audience.

Staying Financially Informed

While testing out any form of side hustle, it is important to be financially informed on any decision making. Here are some tips for managing your finances during this time – 

Set Clear Financial Goals  – Define your short-term and long-term financial objectives to guide your side hustle efforts.

Create a Budget  – Develop a realistic budget that allocates your extra income strategically, ensuring you cover essential expenses while also saving.

Separate Earnings – Open separate savings accounts for each side hustle to maintain financial clarity and organization.

Tax Considerations – Stay informed about the tax implications of your side hustles and set aside a portion of your earnings for taxes.

Continuous Learning – Engage with online resources, attend webinars, and stay updated on financial trends to enhance your financial literacy.


As you begin your journey as a first time side hustler, remember that the success will derive from your passion and perseverance in the hustle of your choice. Be sure to choose a side hustle that you not only enjoy, but one that is scalable based on the time constraints you have available.  Be aware of online scams that are circulating for freelancer sites, and only use approved websites. Your journey towards financial independence depends on this, so follow what you love and what makes you money, and your financial potential will come into fruition!

By editor

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